Islamic Facilities
The Ijarah product is our leasing counterpart that allows the lease of an article for a specified permissible benefit. This benefit is given to our customers in the form of a usufruct for a specified period in return for a specified consideration or in the form of hiring a person’s specified service for a specified consideration. We undertake the transfer the ownership of the item to the customer once the agreed payments of the Ijarah Contract have been fulfilled.
- Competitive Rentals
- Variable Rate
- Re payment Period Up to 7 Years
- Suitable for Registered & Unregistered Vehicles, Machinery and Equipment
- Capital part settlement Option
Murabaha / Trading Murabaha is a Shari’ah compliant product that provides short to medium term financing for the purchase of goods /assets. This refers to sale of a vehicle/ commodity with disclosure of the cost and defining and agreeing on a profit.
Musharakah is a profit and loss sharing contract based on a partnership in which parties contribute to the financing and management of a Shari’ah compliant project.
- Purchase of Vehicle,Property & Machinery
- Working Capital requirements
- Capital part settlement option
Wakalah is a financing arrangement where the financier (Muwakkil) invests an amount of money in the customer’s business and appoints the customer as an agent (Wakil) to run the business at a pre agreed profit rate.
Wadi’ah Gold Safekeeping Facility of PLC offers a convenient solution to financially distressed people by
pledging the gold safe keeping certificate during their times of need.
Key Features:
- Convenient repayment periods (10 Days, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days 180 Days, 365 Days).
- Minimum charges for safekeeping – Daily calculation.
- Cash advance with Zero profit rate added.
- Free Takaful Insurance cover for Gold articles.
- Payment through People’s Bank CDM.
- Availability of Outside Settlements.